Dorothy's Range LLC




Dorothy's Range is a farrow to finish farmher owned business that shares space with a diverse prairie and high quality trout stream in the beautiful driftless area of Southwestern Wisconsin.  We are unusual as we are both passionate about our fields and bring these passions together on the Range.  April Prusia runs the hogs and Steve Fabos restores the prairie.  April manages the hogs so the songbirds and other wildlife have needed habitat to flourish.  Rare heritage GOS, Gloucestershire old spots graze the fields in the warmers season, and farrow 2 times a year. DR sells livestock: feeder pigs, registered breeding stock, pork in cuts and offers half and whole hogs.  The pork is exceptional yielding red marbled meat that is high in good omegas and Vitamin D.  hogs are harvested humanely on farm and raised with respect and love....with a few occasional cus words when the hogs are naughty, if anyone knows pigs , this is a reality.  Pigs are fed rations of locally grown NON GMO and Organic feed,  and are encourged to pasture seasonally. In the winter the hogs are fed hay or bailage to continue the good Omegas and keep their palette keen to green. These pigs do graze and April has been selecting these traits to build a true pasture pig. 


April Prusia

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