2024 WFU - National Delegate Elections
Wisconsin Farmers Union – National Delegate Position Description
Wisconsin Farmers Union is entitled to 2 delegates, in addition to 2 WFU board members and the WFU president, for representation at the National Farmers Union Convention. Any current paid member may be nominated at the caucus of the annual WFU State Convention. WFU has 2 regions from which nominees can be nominated. All nominees will be placed on the ballot and each delegate can vote for 1 candidate from each of the 2 regions.
Required NFU Convention expectations:
- Attend the 2025 National Farmers Union convention on March 19-11th in Oklahoma City,
- Connect with WFU staff on registration and specific information needed prior to the convention immediately after getting notified after ballots have been counted and confirmed.
- Delegates will receive reimbursement for round-trip transportation, hotel accommodations, a meal allowance and convention registration fee for the delegate only. No allowances will be given for a significant other in attendance.
- Travel by plane can be made by delegate or by calling the WFU state office for more information.
- Attend all scheduled policy related meetings ahead and during convention.
- Track expenses and turn in receipts with the reimbursement form to the NFU staff member as directed. Serve on the following year’s WFU resolutions review committee to help draft WFU policy. This meeting is held approximately 60 days prior to the next year’s convention dates
If you need help filling out the form or uploading your photo please contact Kirsten Slaughter at kslaughter@wisconsinfarmersunion.com.
Fields marked with an * are required.